InkPOD Fulfillment

  • About Inkpodfulfillment
    Basic information about Inkpodfulfillment and something related to print on demand

Inkpodfulfillment is a printing-on-demand (POD) marketplace that is committed to establishing a strong bond between merchants and users, helping merchants by providing automated all related processes: order processing, fulfillment and delivery, so that users can focus more on shop construction and product design.

Inkpodfulfillment can provide professional technical services to realize the product design of merchants, and help them to maximize the sale of goods.

Through these integrations, all order operations are automated, and merchants only need to worry about selling and marketing their products.

On-demand printing is a printing process that allows merchants to produce printed garments and products without upfront investment. Unlike the traditional screen printing method (merchants must purchase products in bulk), the traditional screen printing method uses an on-demand printing method, and merchants can print individual items or small orders. This significantly reduces the risks involved and allows you to conduct business with little or no capital.

The price you see on Inkpodfulfillment is the price of the product including the standard shipping fees. so your income depends on the retail price you set for the product on other platforms such as shopify.

Coming soon

  • InkPOD Fulfillment
  • InkPOD provides high quality customizable products with instant fulfillment.